Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mexican...take two...

It's Mexican night the sequel...ha!  If you have kept up with the previous posts you know how much I love nachos.  I LOVE NACHOS!!!  Anyway, the plate above has taco meat, pico de gallo, refried beans with cheese, tortilla chips and guacamole. In a previous post I gave the recipe for the pico de gallo and refried beans.  I cheated on the meat and cheese again.  I know, I know...I said I would make my own meat seasoning and cheese but I didn't.  Instead I made guacamole.

I never really cared for guacamole before I met my darling husband/best friend. Because he liked it I had to find the absolute best recipe for it I could.  And I did. Thank you Alton Brown!  I received the thumbs up award on this recipe from both my darling husband/best friend and the budding young chef. They both claimed it was the best they had ever eaten and the budding young chef took the recipe and has made it several times himself.

Alton Brown's Guacamole Recipe-(slightly amended)
3 Avocados
1/2 tsp kosher salt (or to taste)
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp ceyenne pepper
1/2 medium red onion
2 Roma tomatoes seeded and dices
2 cloves garlic (he says one...what does he know, just because he has his own show...)
1 lime juiced
1 Tbs chopped cilantro

Get the avocados pulp out, I use a spoon to scoop it out, and put it in a bowl.  Put the lime juice on the avocado and add the spices.  Smash this with a potato masher until you get it to the chunkiness you like.  Add the tomato, onion, garlic and cilantro and mix well.  Let sit for at least an hour.

It is well worth the time and effort it takes!  And don't try to use the pit in the guac to keep it from browning...it doesn't work.  The only thing that I have found to work is to put saran wrap down on as tight as you can.  Like when you make cooked pudding and don't want that skin to form.  It's the air that makes it turn so the saran wrap keeps the air from it.  I made the guac and pico the night before so the flavors could really incorporate and I did the saran wrap thing and it worked!  And I think both tasted better for the sitting.

This had to be one of my all time favorite meals...I really like all the different flavors coming together in such harmony.  Yum!!!

Satisfied and FULL!!!

The way I like it...

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