Sunday, May 27, 2012

Italian night! Yummmmm

 Italian night...yipee!!!  I love me some Italian food.  Who am I trying to kid, I love all food.  Except offal.  I don't like offal.  Anyway, on to the Italian discussion.  No leftovers to contend with, the fridge is all cleaned out, so I have a clean slate for a dinner decision.  One of my favorite go-to meals is spaghetti.  We went to the grocery store the other day and I had an excellent coupon for some Italian sausage.  Now, we don't normally buy and or eat such things because we are trying to..."lighten our load" to put it nicely. However, an excellent coupon just begs to be redeemed. So we bought a pack of Italian sausage.  And since we don't normally buy such things I had to put on my thinking cap on what to do with it.  I thought why not just add it to spaghetti sauce.

My go-to spaghetti sauce is so much better than any jarred sauce I have ever tried...and so easy to make.

Spaghetti Sauce

1 onion finely chopped
4 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 15oz cans petite diced tomato
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 Tbsp red paper flake (remember, we like it hot)
salt and pepper to taste

Saute the onion and garlic in some olive oil for about three minutes on medium.  Add everything else and simmer for at least an hour.  I let it go two if I have the time.  You want to end up with almost a paste, not much liquid.

When the sauce was done I took two of the Italian sausages and pinched off pieces creating small little chunks of sausage which I fried up real crisp and then added to the sauce.  I didn't cook the sausage in the sauce because I wanted that crispy texture to come through.

I always use Dreamfield pasta.  It is a higher fiber pasta that is better for you.  I cook it according to the package instructions and it is always good.

And of course you have to add the grated parmigiana cheese.  Wouldn't be the same without the cheese! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmm freshly grated parm, the bestest. After a whole day of watching kickboxing on TV this was an excellent, warm, homey dinner. I loved it baby, you're the best.
